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Study Day 2016

Logo: RCM Accredited

The first UKMidSS Study Day took place in Birmingham on 10th November 2016. Open to all UKMidSS reporters and nominated others from UKMidSS participating units, the day was free to attend and RCM Accredited.

As well as hearing interim results from the Severe Obesity Study, we heard about next year's UKMidSS study, networked and shared experiences with UKMidSS reporters and the UKMidSS team. We also had a lively session on developing ideas for future UKMidSS studies and heard from four invited speakers who talked about:

An intervention to support midwives in choice of place of birth discussions with women (Dr Beck Taylor)
'Outwith guidelines' care planning and delivery (Julie Frohlich)
The Morecambe Bay Investigation: learning from others (Dr Bill Kirkup CBE)
The Midwifery Unit Network (Dr Lucia Rocca-Ihenacho)

You can download the slides from the day's presentations below:

01 Study Day 2016 - Mervi Jokinen Introduction

02 Study Day 2016 - Severe Obesity Study Interim Findings

03 Study Day 2016 - Sharing lessons

04 Study Day 2016 - Neonatal Admission Study

05 Study Day 2016 - Beck Taylor - Choice in Place of Birth

06 Study Day 2016 - Julie Frohlich - 'Outwith guidelines' care planning

07 Study Day 2016 - Thinking about future studies

08 Study Day 2016 - Lucia Rocca-Ihenacho - Midwifery Unit Network

09 Study Day 2016 - Closing remarks

Updated: Monday, 07 March 2022 15:37 (v9)