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Final Workshop

Last year, women, their families and friends, and healthcare professionals put forward their three top questions about pregnancy with diabetes of any type. Over 460 people sent in over 1100 questions!

From these questions, we created a long-list of questions that need further research. We invited people to pick the 10 questions most important to them. The questions that were picked most often will be taken through to our final workshop.

What is the workshop for?

The aim of the workshop is for people with personal experience of diabetes and pregnancy and healthcare professionals to jointly agree the top 10 questions for future research in diabetes and pregnancy.

Who can take part in the workshop?

For the final workshop we are looking for a total of 24 people (living in the UK) from across the following groups:

  • Women with lived experience of planning pregnancy and pregnancy with diabetes of any type
  • Partners, family members and friends who have supported women with diabetes through pregnancy, or planning pregnancy
  • Healthcare professionals (diabetes specialism is not necessary)

We would like a good discussion! So we need people who are prepared to share their views and experiences, and who will listen to and respect the views and experiences of others in the group.

When is the workshop?

The workshop will take place from 10am – 4pm on Friday the 2nd October 2020. Registration from 9:30am for virtual refreshments and help with technical issues.

It is a long day, but attendees will need to attend the full day. Most of the workshop will take place in small groups and we will have plenty of breaks! The workshop will be held online using a meeting tool called Zoom. It will be free for attendees to use. We will also be offering a £150 reimbursement to women, partners, family and friends who attend the day.

What happens after the workshop?

The top ten questions identified from the workshop will be shared with the funders of research, researchers, special interest groups and policy makers in the UK.

By directing researchers and funding towards these questions, we will be supporting research which answers the questions of most importance to women, their families and healthcare professionals.

What if I am interested in taking part?

Please read our information leaflet and if interested in taking part, please complete our short online form here: This will help us bring together people with a wide range of views and experiences.

We will close to new applications around the 6th of September 2020. Please help us to confirm your place in good time by submitting your application as soon as possible.

Who can I contact if I have questions?

Please contact the team by email, telephone 01865 289 757, or via Twitter @NPEU_JLAPSP.

Updated: Tuesday, 17 November 2020 20:16 (v21)