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Children’s Surgery Outcome Reporting programme (CSOR)

Summary of Workstreams

There are six workstreams in CSOR:

  1. Developing a summary metric for determining successful treatment of multiple paediatric surgical conditions
  2. Identifying the additional information needed to provide feedback on outcomes
    1. Developing standardised, structured, electronic operative records
    2. Systematic review to identify the key 'child factors' that affect outcome in each condition
  3. Collecting parent reported aspects of the minimum dataset
    1. Focus groups to investigate the best way to approach parents for consent to include their child's data in CSOR
    2. Testing the computerised CSOR quality of life data collection interface
  4. Developing the CSOR database to collect the minimum dataset from multiple sources
  5. Development of the feedback model
  6. Implementation study – testing whether use of CSOR and the feedback model reduces unwarranted variation/improves outcomes
CSOR: Summary Diagram Description. The main title "Outputs of preparatory workstreams one and two" sits atop 3 bubbles of text: Bubble 1: Development of structured electronic operation records for each condition. Bubble 2: Discrete choice experiment to define 'good' outcome for each condition. Bubble 3: Systematic review to determine which 'child' factors affect outcome. Bubble 1 has an arrow that points to 2 more bubbles under the heading "Bespoke data": Bubble 1a: Bespoke data: Surgeons complete electronic operative record, which acts as case notification, and provides operative data. Bubble 1b: Bespoke data: Parents are contacted at set time points to provide outcomes data. Bubble 2 has an arrow that points to a central CSOR logo. Bubble 3 has an arrow that points to 2 more bubbles under the heading "Routinely collected data": Bubble 3a: Routinely collected data: Each hospital’s Electronic patient record (EPR) system provides other information about the child. Bubble 3b: Routinely collected data: Hospital episodes statistics provides high level outcome data. Bubbles 1a, 2 and 3a connect with lines terminating in an arrow pointing to the central CSOR logo. Bubbles 1b and 3b and the central CSOR logo are connected with lines which terminate in an arrow pointing to another set of bubbles under the heading "CSOR outputs": Bubble 4a: CSOR outputs: Each child’s treatment is defined as having a 'good' or 'bad' outcome. Bubble 4b: CSOR outputs: Outcomes of children in each hospital are compared, taking account of the case mix in each hospital. Bubble 4b has arrows that connect to a final set of 5 bubbles under the heading "Feedback": Bubble 5a: Feedback: Benchmark national outcomes. Bubble 5b: Feedback: Hospitals view their own and other' outcomes through the 'hospital dashboard'. Bubble 5c: Feedback: Identify gold standard practice. Bubble 5d: Feedback: Parents can review hospitals' outcomes through the 'parent dashboard'. Bubble 5e: Feedback: Development of facilitated feedback model to address unwarranted variation in outcome. Routinely collected data Outputs of preparatory workstreams one and two Feedback Development of structured electronic operation records for each condition Surgeons complete electronic operative record, which acts as case notification, and provides operative data Parents are contacted at set time points to provide outcomes data Each hospital’s Electronic patient record (EPR) system provides other information about the child Hospital episodes statistics provides high level outcome data Discrete choice experiment to define ‘good’ outcome for each condition Each child’s treatment is defined having a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ outcome Outcomes of children in each hospital are compared, taking account of the case mix in each hospital Benchmark national outcomes Parents can review hospitals’ outcomes through the ‘parent dashboard’ Hospitals view their own and others’ outcomes through the ‘hospital dashboard’ Development of facilitated feedback model to address unwarranted variation in outcome Identify gold standard practice Systematic review to determine which ‘child’ factors affect outcome Bespoke data CSOR outputs

Updated: Thursday, 22 February 2024 09:10 (v8)