Talking About our studies
What is Talking About?
Talking About is an opportunity for the Policy Research Unit's public involvement partners to discuss the What, How and Why of a recent piece of published research with the researchers themselves.
By bringing researchers and organisations together to talk about new research, we hope our PPI partners get a sense of whether the research is important for the families they represent and how they might use it for their own work, whether for their own research, for lobbying purposes or in the way they directly support families.
How it works?
We run Talking About sessions about three times a year. They last an hour and are held online. A few weeks before, we send out an invitation to all our public involvement partners to ask if they'd like to join the sessions. Places are limited to around eight people so it works on a first come first served basis. We then send information, including a zoom link, beforehand. During the sessions, the lead researcher will present their study design and its findings in a way that's easily understood, and there's time for questions from everyone.
Since 2021 we've run sessions on projects such as the impact of Covid-19 on women and newborns; ethnic inequalities in the six week postnatal check, and anxiety and post traumatic stress among parents of babies admitted to a neonatal unit.
If you are a charity, voluntary or community organisation supporting families living in England and you have not already been involved in our work, you can join our public involvement network by emailing us at