Child Death Review Database Development Project
Final report
The final project report from the Child Death Review Database Development Project is published today (20th December 2016). Completed in July this report presents the findings from the consultation project on developing a national database to bring together information from child death reviews carried out by Child Death Overview Panels (CDOPs) in England and the process of Child Death Reviews currently in development in Scotland.
NHS England have released the following statement: “A Child Death Review Database is planned to be commissioned and further details of the procurement process will be available on the HQIP website early in the New Year.”
July 2016: End of Project update
The consultation phase of this project was completed by means of:
- Thirteen regional meetings with Child Death Overview Panel representatives
- A general Stakeholder Group meeting with representatives from, for example, the Royal Colleges and professional institutions, parent groups and charities whose work is related to child death and its prevention in some way.
- Four meetings with parents, who have sadly experienced the loss of a child and generously met with our investigators to contribute their personal views.
- Correspondence with and/or questionnaire input from researchers, coroners, IT programmers.
- Collaboration with the National Network of Child Death Overview Panels
- Liaison with the team planning the Scottish Child Death Review process.
- Exploration of governance issues surrounding data sharing.
In February 2016 a summary of the findings from the consultation meetings with CDOP representatives was circulated to CDOPs, providing the opportunity for comment and feedback.This document became an appendix in the full report on the project.
In June the full report was presented to a meeting of the HQIP Independent Advisory Group.
Planned publication of our Final Report
The final version of our report had been prepared for publication in July. We had hoped to release the report at the end of July, however, this was held up for technical reasons in connection with the next steps in the tendering process for the national CDOP database. We were asked to hold back the report publication until the details of the bidding process were finalised.
Led by Professor Jenny Kurinczuk and in collaboration with Professors Liz Draper and David Field at the University of Leicester, the NPEU at the University of Oxford, has been funded for 18 months by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) to undertake a child death review database development project. The project started in February 2015 and finished in July 2016.
The aim of this project was:
To investigate whether and how it would be possible to develop a ‘national’ database for England and Scotland to collect information from the child death reviews which are carried out in England by Child Death Overview Panels (CDOPs) and from the child death review process which was at that stage being developed in Scotland. The ultimate goal is to reduce child deaths in England and Scotland; this short-term development project was the first step on the way to developing a national information resource needed to support this goal.
Location of the project co-ordinating office and contact details
This project is now complete. The project funding and co-ordinating offices were based at the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit in the Nuffield Department of Population Health at the University of Oxford.
View our contact details.
This project was commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) on behalf of NHS England and the health and social care division of the Scottish government. Information about HQIP is available at: HQIP project information.