Serena Gilzean-Hughes

Community member of Public Involvement (PPI) Task Group
Serena joined the public involvement (PPI) Task Group in 2022. She has had operational roles within SureStart, Primary Care and the governorship of nursery schools in the East Midlands. Her interests lie in maternal and early years support, with a particular passion for breastfeeding support and empowering parents to make informed decisions around their care during pregnancy and postnatally, as well as around infant feeding.
Serena's expertise in this field has led to her involvement in various research studies focussing on breastmilk composition and maternal health. Serena currently administrates a breastfeeding support group called Yummy Mummies Breastfeeding Group on Facebook which has 3,900 members. She has two children.
Bevan C, Alderdice F, Darby S, Gilzean-Hughes S, McLeish J, Mulla S, Plachcinski R, Wilkinson S, Williams H, Rowe R. 'The Listening Series': increasing equity, diversity and inclusion in patient and public involvement and engagement for policy research by listening to and learning from under-represented groups. Res Involv Engagem. 2024;10(1):71.