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UKMidSS Study Days

We have hosted 2 Study Days for our UKMidSS reporters in Birmingham, the first in November 2016 and most recently in December 2018. The presentations from each of these events can be found on the right under “Study Day 2016” and “Study Day 2018”.

Our Study Days are popular with midwife reporters and are well attended. Feedback indicates that our reporters benefit from networking with other midwives from similar units across the UK, and that the Study Days help them feel valued, part of the UKMidSS team, and positive about contributing to research that is relevant to their work. UKMidSS related topics presented on the Study Days add additional value to the educational and developmental aspect of being a UKMidSS reporter. Certificates of attendance are provided as well as a continuous professional development log for midwife revalidation portfolio purposes.


We are pleased to announce that we will be holding our next Study Day online on the 8th December 2021. The virtual Study Day will allow you to access the event from your home or place of work, saving the need to travel. All you will need is a good internet connection and PC, laptop or other device. Conference registration will include access to the recordings of the sessions for up to one month after the live event, so if you are unable to attend on the day you can view the presentations at a more convenient time. If you have any questions please contact the UKMidSS Events Team at

Updated: Tuesday, 26 October 2021 12:34 (v23)